Recent additions, changes and updates to Don's Maps
Abel Tasman Track in New Zealand
Aboriginal Art of the Kimberleys
Aboriginal art on the Northern Tablelands of NSW
Aborigines of Australia
Abri Pataud Tools
Abri de Raymonden
Accessing the Wendel collection of photographs
Access to Mihi Gorge and to Salisbury Waters below the junction with Mihi Creek
Achenheim - a middle palaeolithic site on loess
Acheulian and Saint Acheul
Adorant - Worshipper
Afontova Gora
Altamira Cave Paintings
Amelana's Cave - Third Cave of the Zelandonii That Watches Over the Most Ancient Sacred Site
Ancient Egyptian Culture, Mummies, Statues, Burial Practices and Artefacts 7
Ancient Egyptian culture during the 18th Dynasty
Ancient Egyptian culture from the 11th Dynasty to the end of the 17th Dynasty
Ancient Egyptian culture from the 19th Dynasty to the end of the 20th Dynasty
Ancient Mesopotamia
Animals of Mungo
Apsley and Green Gully Creek
Archaeological Sites on the Don River
Archeology for Jean Auel fans
Artefacts of the First Nations of the Pacific Northwest
Atlatls, Spear Throwers, and Woomeras
Aurignacian - La Grotte d'Aurignac
Australia's settlement by the Aborigines
Australopithecus aethiopicus
Australopithecus africanus
Australopithecus robustus - Paranthropus robustus
Australopithecus sediba
Avdeevo - Tools from the stone age
Avdeevo - a Paleolithic site with strong links to Kostenki
Axe Quarry
Babylon and the Ishtar Gate
Baguettes demi-rondes
Baile Herculane
Bara Bahau Cave - La Grotte de Bara Bahau - Ice Age Cave Art
Batavia - the journey, the shipwreck and the massacre
Batavia - the ship
Battle of Megiddo - Ancient Egyptian culture
Beach Walking in Australia
Bear and cavebear in fact, myth and legend
Bedeilhac Cave - Grotte de Bedeilhac
Berekhat Ram Venus
Bernifal Cave - Grotte de Bernifal
Bird Feather Cloak of Captain James Cook
Birdstones of North America
Blombos Cave
Bohunician in Moravia
Bornholm rock engravings
Boundary Creek to Grassy Creek - World Heritage Walk
Brady Creek and the nearby galleries - an Aboriginal Rock Art site in Northern Queensland
Brassempouy Venus - Ayla from the EC series
Breitenbach Venus
British Mousterian and earlier tools and sites
Brno Burial of a Shaman
Bronze Age Sky Disc
Brown Ivory Figurine, or Abrachiale, a venus of fossilised ivory from Balzi Rossi
Building a Kayak
Building good looking stone walls
Burial Mounds in Denmark
Bushwalking, Hiking and Tramping in New Zealand
Bushwalking in Australia
Bust, one of the Grimaldi Venuses
Buxu Cave, Cueva del Buxu, Spain
Bâtons Percés
Canoe designs of the First Nations of the Pacific Northwest
Canoes of the First Nations of the Pacific Northwest
Carnarvon Gorge, in the spectacular and rugged ranges of Queensland's central highlands
Carnarvon Gorge - an Aboriginal Rock Stencil Art site, with engravings of vulvas, emu and kangaroo tracks
Carte de la vallée des chevaux
Carte des Sharamudoi
Cartes dessinées à l’ordinateur
Cassegros Tools
Casserole (archaeological site)Tools
Castel-Merle - Vallon des Roches
Causes of the end of the last Ice Age
Cave Lion
Cave Paintings - Location Maps and Themes
Caverne du Clan de l'Ours
Caves and Rock Art Sites - Visits
Caves and Rock Shelters on the North coast of Spain
Caves and Rock Shelters with Wall Paintings and Engravings
Caves of the Cantabria region, northern Spain
Cedar Bentwood Chests of the First Nations of the Pacific North West
Central European Sites
Chandler River - Bushwalking and Hiking
Chandler River - Lower reaches, bushwalking and hiking
Chapelle-aux-Saints - the Neanderthal / Neandertal skeleton
Chauvet Cave
Chiozza Venus from Italy
Châtelperronian Sites
Clan Cave - Shanidar Cave in Iraq
Clan of the Cave Bear Local map
Clan of the Cave Bear Travel Map - English
Clan of the Cave Bear Travel Map - French
Clickable map of the Shelters of Stone area in the Land of Painted Caves, Vezere Valley
Clothing, Masks and Weaving of the First Nations of the Pacific Northwest
Coa Valley
Columbian Mammoths and Bison Petroglyphs from Utah
Combarelles - Les Combarelles in the Dordogne
Combe-Capelle, a Neanderthal site in Southern France
Combe-Capelle Tools
Combe Grenal - a Neanderthal site in the Dordogne valley, France
Combe Grenal Tools
Combe Saunière
Cooking Clan Style
Coptic and Islamic textiles and other art works from Egypt and neighbouring areas
Corbiac Tools
Cougnac Caves - Grottes de Cougnac
Crimean Peninsula - Sudak, the Clan fishing site
Cro-Magnon Shelter
Cueva Covalanas in Cantabria, Spain
Cueva de El Mirón in Cantabria, Spain
Cueva del Pindal
Cuina Turcului - a rock shelter in the Iron Gates gorges of the Danube
Cussac Cave - Grotte de Cussac
Cyclades Art
Cycling down the Danube
Cycling from Amsterdam to Copenhagen
Dangars Falls and Salisbury Waters
Dangars Gorge
Danube Journey from the delta to the source
Decorative objects from the Stone Age
De l'embouchure du Danube à première neige d'après le Grand Voyage
De la première neige aux mammouths d'après le Grand Voyage
Deux-Ouvertures Grotte, Ardeche
Development of art in humans
Did Megafauna die from hunting or climate change?
Dinosaurs and other ancient animals
Discs from the Stone Age
Dolni Vestonice Home Page
Dolni Vestonice Jewellery, Pottery, Tools and other artifacts
Dolni Vestonice Venus figures
Dolni Vestonice and Pavlov burials, including the triple burial
Dolni Vestonice and Pavlov sites
Dolni Vestonice and the Three Sisters - photographs of the area
Don River south and north of Kostenki
Dordogne - Photographs of the area
Dots and Lines in Palaeolithic Cave Paintings
Double Venus
Drawing maps on the computer
Earth's Children Inconsistencies
Egyptian Mummies, Statues, Burial Practices and Artefacts index
El Castillo Cave
Faurelie Tools
Ferrassie Tools
First Nations of the Pacific Northwest - Totem Poles
Flageolet Tools
Font de Gaume - Cave Paintings from the Ice Ages
Footwear from the Stone Age
Forgeries, Hoaxes and Curiosities
Fort de Tayac (Roc de Tayac) - a refuge from war during the Middle Ages
Fossilised Human Footprints in Australia
Fourneau du Diable
Frasassi Venus
From the Mountains to the Sea - Point Lookout, Grass Tree Ridge and the Bellinger River
Fumane Cave Neanderthal painted shell
Gagarino Venus Figures
Gargas - Cave Art of the Grotte de Gargas
Gaura Chindiei - a limestone cave at the first Iron Gate of the Danube
Genyornis, an extinct giant bird from the Australian Ice Age
Geology for EC fans
Giovanni Caselli
Golden Thread - formerly used as a herbal contraceptive and abortifacient
Golubac - a fortified medieval town on the Danube
Gonnersdorf and Andernach - Martinsberg
Gontsy mammoth bone hut site
Grassy Creek to Mulligans Hut - World Heritage Walk
Grotte-abri de La Magdeleine des Albis
Grotte Mandrin - first Homo sapiens in Europe?
Grotte Vaufrey
Grotte d'Enlène
Grotte de Commarque
Grotte de Gabillou, Grotte de Las Agnelas
Grotte de Pair-non-Pair
Grotte de Queylou
Grotte de la Foret
Grotte de la Marche
Grotte de la Mouthe - a decorated cave from the Upper Paleolithic
Grotte de la Vache in the Pyrenees was home for the artists of Niaux Cave
Grotte de la Vache near Niaux - A scientific paper on its fauna and occupation by humans during the ice age
Grotte des Eyzies / Grotte Richard
Grotte des Trois-Frères
Grotte du Grand Roc
Grottes du Pape, Brassempouy
Grub-Kranawetberg Gravettian site
Gruta da Aroeira - Homo heidelbergensis
Guardian Place, Yam Camp, Shepherd Creek Secret Place, and Emu Dreaming Galleries - Aboriginal Rock Art sites in Northern Queensland
Gudenushöhle in Lower Austria
Hajducka Vodenica - a Mesolithic Iron Gates site
Hamburgian site in the Netherlands - Perdeck Collection
Harpoons from the Paleolithic
Heaphy Track in New Zealand
Heat Treatment of microcrystalline quartz
Hermaphrodite Venus from Balzi Rossi
History and Development of Stone Tools
History of the Earth from the Precambrian to the Cretaceous
Hitchcock Family History
Hominid overview
Hominids and hominins
Hominid sites in Africa and nearby regions
Hominid sites in Europe and nearby regions
Homo Erectus - Homo Sapiens skull found in China
Homo Habilis
Homo Naledi
Homo Rudolfensis
Homo erectus, Java Man, Engraving on a shell
Homo erectus - Homo ergaster
Homo erectus - the Dmanisi Site
Homo floresiensis - ancestor discovered
Homo floresiensis - the most recent living human relative
Homo heidelbergensis
Homo luzonensis
Ice Age Animals
Ice Age Animals, Plants, People and Geology
Ice Age Babies from the Krems-Wachtberg site
Ice Age Hunters in Northern Europe
Ice Age Maps showing the extent of the ice sheets
Ice Age hunters become farmers: Schleswig-Holstein on the way to the Neolithic
Index of the First Nations of the Pacific Northwest Coast
Iron Gates - Location of the Sharamudoi
Iron Gates Animals
Iron Gates of the Danube - Per's Photos
Isturitz, Oxocelhaya and Erberua Caves, where many prehistoric flutes were found
Isturitz Tools
Jean Auel - Interviews and memories
Jebel Irhoud Homo sapiens
Jerimalai Cave in East Timor
Kapova Cave
Kebara Cave, a Middle Paleolithic Aurignacian and Mousterian site
Kimberley Points - superbly made tools from the north of Australia
Kostenki - Borshevo, Костенки - Борщево region on the Don River, Russia
Krasnii lar / Krasnyy Yar Venus
Kulna Cave Neanderthal site
L'Abri Poisson and La Gorge d'Enfer
L'Abri du Cap Blanc - a frieze of prehistoric sculptures
L'abri du Renne de Belcayre in the Dordogne
La Cotte de St Brelade, Jersey
La Ferrassie - Neanderthal rock shelter
La Gravette, the type site for the Gravettian
La Grotte de Jolias - a Magdalenian site at Prignac-et-Marcamps, France
La Grotte du Sorcier - la Grotte du Roc Saint-Cirq
La Madeleine - a rock shelter in the Dordogne with exquisite art objects from the Magdalenian
La MadeleineTools
La Micoque - a Neanderthal site in the Dordogne dating from 400 000 BP to 130 000 BP
La Micoque Tools
La Quina - a Neanderthal site with thick asymmetric tools
Lagar Velho - the Hybrid Child from Portugal
Lake Mungo is the site of the oldest human remains in Australia
Lalinde / Gönnersdorf Figurines and Engravings
La rencontre avec les S'Armunaï
Lascaux Cave - Grotte de Lascaux
Lascaux Cave - Rope artefact
Laugerie Basse
Laugerie Haute
Laugerie Haute Tools
Laura River bed, near the Bridge - an Aboriginal Rock Art site in Northern Queensland
Laura Rock Art
Laura Rock Art - Wallaroo Gallery
Le Morin
Le Moustier - a Neanderthal site in the Dordogne, France
Le Moustier Tools
Le Piage
Le Regourdou - one of the most important Neanderthal sites in France
Le Ruth and Le Cellier in the Dordogne
Lene Hara Cave in East Timor
Lepenski Vir - a Mesolithic site on the Iron Gates Gorge of the Danube
Les Jamblancs
Les chasseurs de mammouths
Lespugue Venus is a 25 000 years old ivory figurine of a nude female figure
Lightest alcohol stove for hiking - and the easiest to make!
Lightweight Bushwalking / Hiking Gear which you can make yourself
Lightweight Tents
Lightweight and Warm Sleeping Bags and Quilts
Line drawings - using Photoshop to clean up photographs of line drawings
Lion Man from Ulm
Liujiang cranium, more than 40 000 years old, of a modern Homo sapiens
Lonetal Sites, including Aurignacian sites in the Swabian Alb near the city of Ulm
Longbow replica
Lucy's baby
Lucy, Australopithecus afarensis
Makapansgat pebble
Making Fire
Making Flint Tools
Mal'ta - Buret' venuses and culture in Siberia
Mammoth Hunters Local Map
Mammoths, Elephants and the Wooly Rhinoceros
Mamontovaya Kurya - human occupation nearly 40 000 years ago in the Russian Arctic
Manis Mastodon
Maori Forts - Pa
Map of Ayla's travels from the Clan Cave to the Zelandonii on one page, Books 1 to 5
Map of Land of Painted Caves by Jean M. Auel - Journeys
Map of Sharamudoi Local Area for EC fans
Map of Zelandonii Extended Area from Land of Painted Caves
Map of the Iron Gates for Archeology students and teachers
Map of the Iron Gates for Jean M. Auel Fans
Map of the Valley of Horses - Local Map for EC fans
Map of the Vezere Valley for Archeology Teachers and Students
Map of the Wurm and Riss Glaciation
Map of the Zelandonii Territory Local Area for EC fans, books 5 and 6
Maps of the Iron Gates - the Journeys to the Sharamudoi for EC fans and the Iron Gates for students and teachers of Archeology
Marsoulas - La Grotte de Marsoulas, ice age art
Mas d'Azil Cave - La Grotte du Mas d'Azil
Mask, or the Face, or the Figure, from Balzi Rossi
Mastodons and related early elephants
Meadowcroft Rockshelter, a pre-Clovis site
Mesolithic sites in northern Europe
Mezhyrich / Межиріч - Mammoth Camp
Mihi Gorge
Minnie Water to Diggers Camp Beach Walk
Mizyn, Мізин - Wolf Camp
Mladecske Caves and other early Palaeolithic sites in the Czech Republic
Moli del Salt - first depiction of Palaeolithic dwellings
Monte Buciero Rock Shelters - on the Cantabrian coast, Spain
Moravany Venus
Mortuary Poles and Graves of the First Nations of the Pacific Northwest
Moulin du Roc Tools
Mount Kaputar, NSW
Mount Kosciuszko in the Snowy Mountains of Australia
Mousterian (Neanderthal) Sites
Mousterian of Eastern Europe
Mt Grattai and Gins Mountain
Mt Yarrowyck
Mtoto - child burial in East Africa of Homo sapiens
Mulligans Hut World Heritage Walk, Gibraltar Range - Washpool National Park
Mulligans Hut to Boundary Creek - World Heritage Walk
Mungo - Recent Bones
Mungo - Walls of China
Mungo Burrowing Bettong
Mungo Feral Animals
Mungo Footprints
Mungo Fossils
Mungo Giant Kangaroo
Mungo Giant Wombat
Mungo Man
Mungo Plants
Mungo Swamp Cow
Musical Instruments
Namibia - Rock paintings from Namibia in Africa
Naracoorte Caves
Neandertal models
Neanderthal Amud 1, Israel
Neanderthal Art
Neanderthal Symbolism
Neanderthal child from Wezmeh Cave
Neanderthals of Schleswig-Holstein
Nebra Venus - Die Venus von Nebra
Negroid Head Venus from Balzi Rossi
Neolithic and later Sites
Nets and skis from ancient times
Niaux - Grotte de Niaux Cave Art and History
Niaux - Grotte de Niaux Description and History
Niaux Cave index
Niaux Cave maps, plans and aerial photos
Norwegian Rock Art - Alta Fjord
Nubia and the Kingdom of Kush
Numeracy in prehistoric art and artefacts
Nun Venus, or the Flattened Figure
Nyayanga Butchery Site in Kenya
Oberkassel Double Burial
Old Iron Gates Images
Oldest Jewellery
Oreopithecus - an ancient ape
Original Neanderthal skeleton from the Neander Valley
Other Mousterian (Neanderthal) Sites and Artefacts
Other Mungo Animals
Otzi - Ötzi the Iceman
Overview of Cave Paintings and Sculptures
Overview of the Iron Gates
Page Redirection to venus page
Paisley Caves complex - when did people first reach North America?
Palaeolithic / Paleolithic European, Russian and Australian Archaeology / Archeology Sites
Palaeolithic Fibres and Textiles
Palaeolithic Venus figures - their purpose
Paleolithic of the USSR
Parabita Venus - two venuses from Parabita, Italy
Paranthropus boisei - Nutcracker man
Partizanska Jama, Partisan Cave in Slovenia
Pasiega Cave
Pech Merle
Pestera Coliboaia - Coliboaia Cave Rock Art
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
Peyrugues Tools
Phallus in Stone Age Art
Photography in Museums
Photoshop Basics - a beginner's guide
Pine Tree Creek, Tied Up Wrist and Wallaroo Galleries - Aboriginal Rock Art sites in Northern Queensland
Placard Cave - Grotte du Placard - Grotte de Rochebertier
Plains of Passage - Clickable Map of the Danube
Poire Venus
Potlatch - First Nations of the Pacific Northwest
Privacy Policy
Proconsul africanus
Qesem Cave
Quinkan Corner, the Rock Wallaby Gallery, and Tent Shelter Gallery - Aboriginal Rock Art sites in Northern Queensland
Raising the Mammoth
Recent Stories from the Don River
Recent additions, changes and updates to Don's Maps
Red Lady Galleries near Laura - an Aboriginal Rock Art site in Northern Queensland
Red Ochre Venus or Dame ocree, is a venus of mammoth ivory from Balzi Rossi covered with red ochre
Reflection Rock and Roque Saint-Christophe
Reindeer People
Reindeer People of today
Roc aux Sorciers
Roc de Cazelle
Roc de Combe Tools
Roc de Marcamps and la grotte des Fées
Roc de Sers
Rock Engravings of Gobustan
Rogalik Venus Figures
Rondelles from the Stone Age
Rossosh burial mounds
Rouffignac Cave - La Grotte de Rouffignac, ice age art
Sacred Root
Safe Water for Hiking
Saint-Front Cave
Saint Césaire Neanderthal skeleton
Salle Piette
Sandy Creek near Laura - an Aboriginal Rock Art site in Northern Queensland
Sarum Lookout, Salisbury Waters and McDirtys Lookout
Savignano Venus
Schela Cladovei
Schoningen spears and throwing sticks
Sewing Hiking Equipment
Shanidar, Solecki, and Mahmoud Khudir
Shanidar Cave
Sipka Cave - a Neanderthal site
Sites of Geissenklosterle, Hohle Fels, and Middle Paleolithic sites in the Swabian Alb near the city of Ulm
Small Lion Man from Hohle Fels
Solutrean - the peak of stone tools workmanship
Solvieux - a large open-air site near Gabillou in the l'Isle basin.
Sound of a flute
South African Rock paintings in the Cedar Mountains
Spy Neanderthal
Stone Lamps of the Palaeolithic
Sulawesi ancient rock art
Sungaea in the EC series
Sungir / Sunghir
Sveduv Stul Neanderthal site
Szeletian culture - a development of the Mousterian, contemporaneous with the Aurignacian.
Tan-Tan Venus
Territoire des Zelandoni
Three year old Neanderthal child of Roc de Marsal, one of the oldest burials of the Perigord
Thunderbolt's Lookout
Tools, Shells and Bones from Lake Mungo in Australia
Tools from the stone age
Tools from the stone age - index
Tools from the stone age of Germany
Trasimeno Venus
Travers - Sabine Circuit, Nelson Lakes, New Zealand
Travers Sabine Circuit in New Zealand - Angelus Hut to John Tait Hut
Travers Sabine Circuit in New Zealand - Blue Lake to Lake Rotoroa
Travers Sabine Circuit in New Zealand - John Tait Hut to West Sabine Hut over the Travers Saddle
Travers Sabine Circuit in New Zealand - St Arnaud, Bushline and Angelus Huts
Travers Sabine Circuit in New Zealand - West Sabine Hut to Blue Lake
Trou Magrite Venus
Tuc d'Audoubert
Two Headed Woman, one of the Grimaldi Venuses
Undescribed Venus from Balzi Rossi
Venus Impudique
Venus Timeline
Venus el Rombo, or Venus de Losange, (the diamond or rhomboid shaped venus) from Grimaldi
Venuses of Mainz
Venuses of Neuchatel - Monruz
Venus figure from Las Caldas
Venus figure from le Cellier
Venus figures from Fontales
Venus figures from Petersfels
Venus figures from Russia, Ukraine and sites East of the Donau mouth
Venus figures from Western Europe
Venus figures from Wilczyce 10
Venus figures from the Kostenki - Borshevo region on the Don River
Venus figures from the Stone Age
Venus figures from the Stone Age
Venus from Waldstetten
Venus of Abri Pataud, and the archeological site of Abri Pataud at Les Eyzies
Venus of Bataille / Sireuil
Venus of Courbet / Bruniquel / Montastruc
Venus of Craiova
Venus of Die Rote von Mauern - the Red Venus from the Weinberghöhlen near Mauern
Venus of Die Rote von Mauern - the Red Venus from the Weinberghöhlen near Mauern
Venus of El Pendo Cave (Santander)
Venus of Galgenberg- Fanny
Venus of Hohle Fels
Venus of Kesslerloch
Venus of Khotylevo
Venus of Laugerie Basse - the Supplicant
Venus of Laussel - La Femme a la Corne
Venus of Macomer
Venus of Menton, one of the Grimaldi Venuses
Venus of Milandes, from Castelnaud-la-Chapelle, Dordogne
Venus of Monpazier, carved in limonite
Venus of Montecompatri
Venus of Oblazowa
Venus of Pekarna
Venus of Polichinelle, carved in green steatite
Venus of Péchialet
Venus of Renancourt
Venus of Sireuil, Roc de Cazelle, Dordogne
Venus of Terme-Pialat, Dordogne
Venus of Tursac, a figurine of translucent calcite
Venus of Willendorf
Venus of Zaraysk / Зарайск Венера, part of the Kostenki-Willendorf culture
Venus of l'abri d'Enval
Venus with Goitre
Vero Florida - Ice Age Mammoth carving
Vezere Valley clickable map
Viking Ships of Roskilde
Villars Cave - Grotte de Villars
Vogelherd Cave, Vogelherdhöhlen
Vulva in Stone Age Art
Wangapeka Track in New Zealand
Warratyi Rock Shelter
Water Quality
Waterproofing a pack quickly and easily
Wendel on ice age religion
Willow Pool - Jondalar and Ayla's Spring
Winnemucca Petroglyphs: Oldest Rock Art in North America
Wollomombi and Chandler Falls walking and climbing
Woman with the perforated neck
Wonderwerk Cave - stone tools made by Homo habilis
Zaraysk / Зарайск
Back to Don's Maps
Sigmaringen on the Danube / Donau
The Donau at Sigmaringen.
Photo: Per 1998
Cliff above Sigmaringen.
Photo: Per 1998
The Donau at Sigmaringen, with the castle in the background.
Photo: Per 1998
Inside Sigmaringen Church
Photo: Per 1998
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