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Aboriginal art on the Northern Tablelands of NSW Australia, including a lizard, a snake, and hand stencils.

lizard, snake, hand stencils

This is an interesting set of paintings of a snake, lizard and hand stencils. It appears to be regularly maintained and cared for by local aboriginal people as part of a continuing tradition.

The paintings were completed by the family of two young men who drowned at the Blue Hole.

Photo: Don Hitchcock 2011

lizard painting

Close up of the lizard painting.

Photo: Don Hitchcock 2011

snake painting

Snake painting. The region has many snakes, and you are never more than 100 metres from a snake in areas near permanent water.

Photo: Don Hitchcock 2011

hand stencils

Hand stencils, a traditional form of Australian Aboriginal painting. Ochre (white in this case) is mixed with water, put in the mouth and blown over the hand placed on the rock. These appear to be done at the same time by one person.

Photo: Don Hitchcock 2011

hand stencils

Another pair of hand stencils.

Photo: Don Hitchcock 2011

Mount Grattai and Gins Mountain Aboriginal art at Mount Yarrowyck, near Armidale NSW

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