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La Faurélie Tools
La Faurélie tools - On the left bank of the Manaurie valley, the abri of Faurélie II, municipality of Mauzens- Miremont (Dordogne), is a few hundred metres downstream from the Aurignacian and Perigordian deposit of La Faurélie I, and ten kilometres from Les Eyzies, on the road to Perigueux. Discovered in 1958 by M. Lhommond, first explored by D. de Sonneville-Bordes, F. Bordes and M. Delthel, it was then meticulously excavated from 1964 to 1972 by J. Tixier.
References: Tixier (1974 and 1976), Célérier (1976)
La Faurélie tools, layer 3, excavations of J. Texier.
Age: circa 13 000 BP
■ 6: Grattoirs, scrapers on the end of a blade
■ 7: Burins
■ 8: Retouched tools
■ 10: Microliths
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Source: Originals, Le Musée National de Préhistoire, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac
La Faurélie tools, layer 3, excavations of J. Texier.
Age: circa 13 000 BP
■ 8: Retouched tools
■ 9: Perçoirs becs, drills/borers
■ 10: Microliths
■ 11: Notched/denticulated tools
■ 12: Racloirs/raclettes, side scrapers and small, often round scrapers
■ 13: Armatures, tools
■ 14: Composite tools
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Source: Originals, Le Musée National de Préhistoire, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac
La Faurélie tools, layer 3, excavations of J. Texier.
Age: circa 13 000 BP
■ 9: Perçoirs becs, drills/borers
■ 11: Notched/denticulated tools
■ 12: Racloirs/raclettes, side scrapers and small, often round scrapers
■ 13: Armatures, tools
■ 14: Composite tools
■ 15: Special tools
■ 16: Bone industry
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Source: Originals, Le Musée National de Préhistoire, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac
Stratigraphy in the north cross section of square Vl9 (test cross section) .
Photo: Tixier (1976)
Source: De Beaune (1984)
The shelter plan and grid. the dashed line represents the overhang. The shaded part of the grid represents the excavated squares.
Photo: Célérier (1976)
Source: De Beaune (1984)
Stratigraphy in the north cross section of square V22. The shaded fallen rocks are burnt.
Flints are marked 'S' (for the French silex)
Photo: Célérier (1976)
Source: De Beaune (1984)
Stratigraphic cross section in V22 after the removal of layer 4.
Photo: Tixier (1976)
Source: De Beaune (1984)
Lamp from la Faurélie, Upper Magdalenian.
The discovery of a new Magdalenian lamp by J. Tixier in the rock-shelter of La Faurélie II (Dordogne) increases the inventory of carved lamps with handles - of which only thirty are known.
The La Faurélie lamp is the only example of such a type of lamps to be entirely pecked and not smoothed by abrasion; in addition, its triangular handle is not free and its general shape is oval, which makes it an original document.
However, only its shape allows it, for the moment, to be considered as a lamp, since no sign of use is perceptible inside or around the bowl.
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Text: De Beaune (1984)
Source: Original, le Musée National de Préhistoire, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac
Lamp in situ upside down, at the time of discovery.
Photo: Tixier (1976)
Source: De Beaune (1984)
The sandstone lamp, which has a pecked handle.
Photo: A. Roussot
Source: De Beaune (1984)
Location of la Faurélie.
Photo: Google Earth

Location of la Faurélie.
Photo: Google Maps
Dates for la Faurélie.
- Aubry T., Detrain L., Kervazo B., 1995 - Les niveaux intermédiaires entre le Gravettien et le Solutréen de l'Abri Casserole (Les Eyzies de Tayac) : Mise en évidence d'un mode de production original de microlithes et implications, Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, tome 92, n°3, 1995. pp. 296-301; doi : 10.3406/bspf.1995.10030
- Célérier G., 1976 -Les civilisations de l'Épipaléotithique en Périgord, La préhistoire française, Éd., du C.N.R.S., Paris, t. 1-2., p. 1427-1432.
- De Beaune S., 1984 - La lampe de La Faurelie II, Anthropologie, Elsevier Masson, 1984, 88 (1), pp.89-97.
- Tixier J., 1974 - Microburins du Magdalénien V à La Faurélie II (Dordogne)., L'Anthrop., t. 78, p. 189-195. 35.
- Tixier J., 1976 - L'abri sous roche de La Faurélie II, commune de Mauzens-Miremont, Livret-guide de I'excursion A4 , Sud-Ouest (Aquitaine et Charente), Union Intern. des Sc. préh. et protoh., p. 113-116, 2 fig.
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