Back to Don's Maps
Maps - links to all the maps of the Earth's Children series, books 1 to 6
Maps of the Earth's Children Series - Maps include the Land of Painted Caves journeys, maps of The Territory of the Zelandonii, Journeys in Clan of the Cave Bear, local area around the cave in Clan of the Cave Bear, The Valley of Horses, Iron Gates map, local map of the Sharamudoi, local map of The Mammoth Hunters Lion Camp, map of Ukraine, map of The Plains of Passage, Clickable map of the Plains of Passage, Donau Mouth to First Snow from the Plains of Passage, The Encounter with the S'Armunai, the true extent of the ice in the last ice age, as well as the Wurm and Riss Glaciation in the headwaters of the Donau (Danube), How I draw the maps..
Many people print out the maps for the relevant books and glue them to the front and/or back covers, so that they can more easily follow the journeys as they read the books!
Go to the map of all of Ayla's journeys
All of Ayla's journeys are on this map, up to Shelters of Stone. Jondalar and Thonolan pretty much followed the same course when going east, except that after the time with the Sharamudoi they took a boat down the river to the delta. Then after leaving the delta and Willow Camp they would have followed pretty much the same path as Jon and Ayla did on the journey to the Zelandonii, and finished up at the Valley of horses.
Go to the clickable map of all of Ayla's journeys - click on the camera icon and see the particular area .
Go to the map of Journeys in Clan of the Cave Bear
Allez à la carte des trajets de la Caverne du Clan en français
Go to the map of the local area around the cave in Clan of the Cave Bear
Allez à la carte de la Caverne du Clan en français
Go to the map of the Valley of Horses
Allez à la carte de la vallée des chevaux en français
Go to the map of The Mammoth Hunters, in Ukraine
This includes Ayla's journeys in Clan of the Cave Bear, Valley of Horses, Mammoth Hunters, and the first part of the journey in Plains of Passage
Allez à la carte de Ukraine en français
Go to the map of The Mammoth Hunters Lion Camp local area
Allez à la carte des chasseurs de mammouths en français
Go to the map of the Donau Mouth to First Snow from the Plains of Passage
Allez à la carte en français « de l'embouchure du Danube à première neige » d'après Le Grand Voyage
Go to the Iron Gates contour maps
This includes the Sharamudoi journeys, as well as a map for Archeology students without Ayla's journeys.
Go to the local map of the Sharamudoi / Iron Gates
Allez à la carte des Sharamudoi en français
Go to the map of First Snow to the Mammoths from the Plains of Passage
Allez à la carte en français de la première neige aux mammouths d'après le Grand Voyage
Go to the map of the Encounter with the S'Armunai
Allez à la carte en français de la rencontre avec les S'Armunaï
Go to the map of the Shelters of Stone - Zelandonii Territory
Allez à la carte de la Territoire des Zelandoni en français
Go to the map of the Vézère Valley for students of archaeology
Go to the maps of the extent of the ice in the last ice age. A set of maps illustrate how the last British ice sheet shrunk during the Ice Age. The unique maps record the pattern and speed of shrinkage of the large ice sheet that covered the British Isles during the last Ice Age, approximately 20 000 years ago. The sheet, which subsumed most of Britain, Ireland and the North Sea, had an ice volume sufficient to raise global sea level by around 2.5 metres when it melted.
Go to the map of the Wurm and Riss Glaciation deposits in the Rhone valley.
Carte dressée par P. Mandier L.A 260 CNRS Lyon
Go to the map of the Wurm and Riss Glaciation in the headwaters of the Donau (Danube)
Cartes dessinées à l’ordinateur