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Iron Gates Animals

Recommended reading on this topic is the excellent monograph by Beth Prinz, 'Mesolithic Adaptations on the Lower Danube', 1987.

Pre - Dam 20th Century fish fauna of the Iron Gates Gorge

From Berg, L. Freshwater fishes of the USSR and adjacent countries, 1962

TaxonCommon NameAv. Wt./Lgth
Abramis ballerusBlue bream100 gm
Abramis bramaBream3 kg, rarely to 6 kg
Abramis sapaWhite-eye bream0.8 kg
Acipenser ruthenussterletto 6.5 kg, rarely to 16 kg
Alburnus alburnusBleaklength to 170 mm
Aspius aspiusAsp2 - 4 kg, rarely to 12 kg
Barbus barbusBarbelto 4 kg, rarely to 10 kg. The roe are poisonous
Blicca bjoerknaSilver bream1.25 kg
Carassius aratus gibelioPrussian carp0.5 - 1.1 kg
Carassius carassiusCrucian carpto 5 kg
Chalcalburnus Chalcoides mentoDanube shemaya22 - 25 cm
Chondrostoma nasusNaseto 2.5 kg
Cymnocephalus schraetserStriped ruffto 240 mm
Cyprinus carpiocarpto 16 kg
Esox luciusPike16 - 24 kg, rarely to 65 kg
Lepomis gibbosusPumpkinseedIntroduced from North America, eats eggs and young of other fish
Leuciscus cephalusChubto 4 kg, rarely to 8 kg
Leuciscus idusIde0.8 - 2.4 kg, rarely to 8 kg
Pelecus cultratusChekhon200 - 500 gm, rarely to 3.5 kg
Perca fluviatilisFreshwater perch0.8 - 1.2 kg, rarely to 4 kg
Rutilus rutilusRoach200 gm
Scardinius erythro-phthalmusRudd100 - 400 gm, rarely to 2 kg
Siluris glanisCatfish or Sheatfishto 300 kg
Stizostedion luciopercaPike perch8 - 12 kg, rarely to 18 kg
Tinca tincaTench1.2 - 1.6 kg, rarely to 7.5 kg
Vimba vimbaBlack Sea vimba200 - 400 gm, rarely to 800 gm
Zingel zingelZingelto 240 mm

Pre - Dam 20th Century amphibians of the Iron Gates Gorge

From The Iron Gates Complex Atlas

TaxonCommon Name
Bombina bombinaFire-bellied toad
Bombina v. variegataOrange-speckled toad
Bufo b. bufoCommon toad
Bufo v. viridisGreen toad
Hyla a. arboreaGreen tree frog
Pelobates f. fuscusSpadefoot toad
Pelobates syriacus balcanicusBalkan toad
Rana dalmatinaFrog
Rana esculentaEdible frog
Rana r. ridibundaMarsh frog
Salamandra s. salamandraSpotted salamander
Trituris c. cristatusCrested newt
Trituris c. dobrogicusNewt
Trituris v. vulgarisSmooth newt

Pre - Dam 20th Century reptiles of the Iron Gates Gorge

From The Iron Gates Complex Atlas

TaxonCommon Name
Emys orbicularisPond tortoise
Testudo h. hermanniTortoise
Ablepharus Kitaibelii stepaneki-
Lacerta a. agilisSand lizard
Lacerta m. muralisWall lizard
Lacerta practicola ponticaLizard
Lacerta t. tauricaBull lizard
Lacerta v. viridisGreen lizard
Lacerta viviparaCommon lizard
Anguisfragilis colchicusSlow worm
Coronella a. austriacaSmooth snake
Elaphe l. longissimaAesculapian snake
Natrix n. natrixGrass snake
Natrix tesselataTessellated snake
Vipera a. ammolytesViper
Vipera benus benusAdder

Pre - Dam 20th Century smaller mammals of the Iron Gates Gorge

From The Iron Gate Complex Atlas, and Graf, J. 1968, 'Animal Life of Europe'

TaxonCommon Name
Apodemus agrariusstriped mouse
Apodemus flavicollisyellow-necked mouse
Apodemus micropsmouse
Apodemus sylvaticuslong-tailed field mouse
Micromys minutusharvest mouse
Mus musculushouse mouse
Rattus rattusblack rat
Crocidura leucodonfield shrew
Crocidura suareolensshrew
Neomys anomalussouthern water shrew
Sorex araneuscommon shrew
Cricetus cricetuscommon hamster
Arvicola terrestriswater vole
Microtus arvaliscommon vole
Sciurus vulgarisred squirrel
Talpa europeacommon mole

Mesolithic Fish fauna from Ostrovul Banului

From Boroneant, 1973, 'Recherches Archeologiques sur la culture Schela Cladovei del la zone des Portes de Fer', Dacia, N.S. XVII pp. 5 - 39

TaxonCommon Name
Acipenser ruthenussterlet
Hus husbeluga
Leuciscus cephaluschub
Abramis bramabream
Ciprinus carpiocarp
Siluris glaniscatfish
Stizostedion luciopercaperch-pike

Mesolithic Mammals from Icoana

From: Bolomey, A. 1973, 'An outline of the Late Epipaleolithic Economy of the Iron Gates: The evidence on bones', Dacia, N.S. XVII, pp 41-52

No = number of bones
MNI = Minimum Number of Individuals

MNI represents an attempt to work out how many different animals there are in a deposit. If there are three skulls, for example, then there are obviously three separate animals. However if for example a left thigh bone and a right thigh bone are found in distinct layers, it is also reasonable to allocate them to different animals, and count them as two individuals. This is important when trying to work out the role of various animals in the economy of the site. The MNI is artificially reduced if careful excavation procedures are not followed. In addition, smaller animals are under represented if the deposits are not sieved.

TaxonCommon NameNo/MNIMNI%
Sus sp.pig2038/4031.0%
Cervus elaphusred deer1474/2620.2%
Capreolus capreolusroe deer237/1410.9%
Castor fiberbeaver34/97.0%
Martes sp.marten44/86.2%
Rupicapra rupicaprachamois22/43.1%
Felis silvestriswild cat7/32.3%
Meles melesbadger13/32.3%
Canis lupuswolf9/21.5%
Ursus arctosbrown bear16/21.5%
Lepus europaeusbrown hare11/21.5%
Lutra lutraotter2/10.8%
Lynx lynxlynx2/10.8%



Prehistoric Fauna from Padina

From:Clason, A.T. 1980, 'Padina and Starcevo: Game, Fish and Cattle' Palaeohistoria, XXII, p. 148

TaxonCommon NameLate MesolithicEarly Neolithic


Bos tauroscattle721
Sus domesticuspig125
Canis familiarisdog42179


Erinaceus europaeushedgehog-1
Lepus capensisbrown hare41
Castor fiberbeaver3710
Vulpes vulpesfox6-
Canis lupuswolf63
Martes martespine marten32
Martes sp.marten34
Felix sylvestriswild cat44
Lynx lynxlynx22
Meles melesbadger1-
Ursus arctosbrown bear3015
Equus sp.horse1-
Sus scrofapig5550
Sus sp.pig2310
Capreolus capreolusroe deer3710
Cervus elephusred deer763+114263+50
Bos primigeniusaurochs288
Bos sp.-178
Rupicapra rupicaprachamois320
Emys orbicularisEuropean pond terrapin11


Hucho huchoDanube salmon1541
Acipenser sp./Huso husosturgeon855
Siluris glaniscat fish201(24)1298
Cyprinus carpiocarp-32


Cuina Turcului Mammals

From: Bolomey, A. 1973, 'An outline of the Late Epipaleolithic Economy of the Iron Gates: The evidence on bones', Dacia, N.S. XVII, pp 41-52

No = number of bones
MNI = Minimum Number of Individuals

MNI represents an attempt to work out how many different animals there are in a deposit. If there are three skulls, for example, then there are obviously three separate animals. However if for example a left thigh bone and a right thigh bone are found in distinct layers, it is also reasonable to allocate them to different animals, and count them as two individuals. This is important when trying to work out the role of various animals in the economy of the site. The MNI is artificially reduced if careful excavation procedures are not followed. In addition, smaller animals are under represented if the deposits are not sieved.

Level I
12 600 B.P.

Level II
10 120 B.P.
TaxonCommon NameNo/MNIMNI%No/MNIMNI%
Sus scrofawild swine118/717.7%6/12.3%
Castor fiberbeaver72/717.7%52/49.5%
Capra ibexibex74/512.2%111/819.4%
Rupicapra rupicaprachamois62/37.3%49/512.0%
Canis lupuswolf35/37.3%49/512.0%
Martes sp.marten29/37.3%10/24.7%
Capreolus capreolusroe deer16/37.3%1/12.3%
Alces alcesEuropean elk14/37.3%5/12.3%
Ursos arctosbrown bear23/25.0%2/12.3%
Lepus europeausbrown hare1/11.0%27/24.7%
Vulpes vulpesfox14/12.2%15/24.7%
Equus caballushorse2/12.2%3/12.3%
Felix silvestriswild cat1/12.2%1/12.3%
Cervus elaphusred deer-0%21/12.3%
Putorius putoriusEuropean polecat-0%1/12.3%





Cuina Turcului Fish

From: Nalbant, T.T. 1970 'Citeva Observatii Aspura Resturii or de Pesti Descoperite in Locuirile Romanello-Aziliene (I-II) De La Cuina Turcului-Dubova', Studii si Cercetari di Istorie Veche (si Arheologie) 21 I, pp. 41-43

No = number of bones

Level I
12 600 B.P.
Level II
10 120 B.P.
TaxonCommon NameNoNo
Abramis bramabream13343
Cyprinus carpiocarp2-
Leuciscus cephaluschub-4
Siluris glaniscatfish-3
Esox luciuspike12
Stizostedion luciopercapike-perch105
Perca fluviatilisperch1-
Acipenser ruthenussterlet-4
Acipenser guldenstaedtiRussian sturgeon-7

Prehistoric fauna from Lepenski Vir

From: Bokonyi, S., 1970 'Animal remains from Lepenski Vir' Science Vol 167, pp 1702-1704

No = number of bones

Note that the dates below for the phases of Lepenski Vir are in dispute, and should be treated with caution. They are broadly correct.

Phase I
5525 BC

Phase II
5200 BC

Phase III
5000 BC

TaxonCommon NameNo.%No.%No.%


Bos tauruscattle

Ovis ariessheep

Sus scrofa dom.pig

Canis familiarisdog215.0%2311.2%1405.9%


Bos primigeniusaurochs143.3%73.4%1747.3%
Rupicapra rupicaprachamois

Cervus elaphusred deer11527.1%11153.9%86236.4%
Capreolus capreolusroe deer40.9%10.5%361.5%
Sus scrofa fer.wild pig102.4%62.9%2118.9%
Asinus hydrunsinuswild ass

Felix silvestriswild cat

Lynx lynx

Martes sp.marten61.4%31.5%3.1%
Meles melesbadger30.7%

Ursus arctosbrown bear

Canis lupuswolf

Vulpes vulpesfox

Castor fiberbeaver20.47%

Lepus europaeusbrown hare

Aves sp.birds61.4%10.5100.4%
Siluris glaniscatfish30.7%52.4%220.9%
Pisces sp.fishes15436.3%4721.8%36415.4%


Prehistoric Fauna from Vlasac

From: Prinz, B., 1987 'Mesolithic Adaptations on the Lower Danube'

Some idea of the labour involved in archaeology may be gleaned from the fact that nearly 30 000 animal bones were dug out, sorted and classified on just this one site. The work involved is mind boggling.

No = number of bones
MNI = Minimum Number of Individuals

MNI represents an attempt to work out how many different animals there are in a deposit. If there are three skulls, for example, then there are obviously three separate animals. However if for example a left thigh bone and a right thigh bone are found in distinct layers, it is also reasonable to allocate them to different animals, and count them as two individuals. This is important when trying to work out the role of various animals in the economy of the site. The MNI is artificially reduced if careful excavation procedures are not followed. In addition, smaller animals are under represented if the deposits are not sieved.

TaxonCommon NameNo.%MNI

Canis familiarisdog19146.6%160


Bos primigeniusaurochs540.2%4/5

Rupicapra rupicaprachamois220.1%4

Cervus elaphusred deer673223.1%90

Capreolus capreolusroe deer5101.8%19

Sus scrofawild pig11854.1%28


Felis silvestriswild cat450.2%7/8

Lynx lynxlynx50.02%2


Martes martespine marten2480.9%38

Meles melesbadger580.2%8

Ursus arctosbrown bear1680.6%10

Canis lupuswolf1030.4%10

Vulpes vulpesred fox300.1%6

Small carnivore

Rodents and Insectivores

Castor fiberbeaver710.2%9

Sciuris vulgarissquirrel50.02%3

Lepus europaeusbrown hare220.1%4

Erinaceus europaeushedgehog10.003%1


cf. onocratalus
white pelican30.01%

Phalacrocorax carbocormorant30.01%

Egreta albagreat white egret20.01%

Anas platyrynchomallard20.01%

Anas crecateal20.01%

Aythya nyrocaferrugionous duck10.003%

Aquila heliacaimperial eagle60.02%

Milvus migransblack kite50.02%

Haliaetos albicillawhite tailed eagle270.1%

Strix alucotawny owl20.01%

Carullus glanduariusjay10.003%

Pica picamagpie40.01%

Corvus coraxraven40.01%

Unidentified birds


Emys orbicularispond tortoise
(some showed burning
and butchering


Cyprinus carpiocarp15525.3%


esox luciuspike110.04%

Siluris glaniscatfish22837.8%

Other fishesunidentified837228.8%



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