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Mount Grattai and Gins Mountain

Mount Grattai on the right, Gins Mountain on the left, taken from Honeycomb lookout.
Larger image of this panorama, 690 Kb
Photo: Don Hitchcock June 2009
Prickly Gecko (Heteronotia binoei) on top of "Honeycomb Lookout". This lookout has no official name, but is known as Honeycomb Lookout by bushwalkers, and is the end of the ridge overlooking Grattai Springs.
Larger image of this gecko, 462 Kb
Photo: Don Hitchcock June 2009
This Leionema viridiflorum on Honeycomb Lookout is a superb specimen.
Photo: Don Hitchcock June 2009
Text and map below from:
Leionema viridiflorum (Paul G.Wilson) Paul G.Wilson
Synonyms: Phebalium viridiflorum Paul G.Wilson
Description: Shrub mostly c. 1 m high; stems ± terete, stellate-hairy.
Leaves ± erect, narrow-oblong to narrow-elliptic, 2–4 cm long, 4–8 mm wide, apex shortly 2-lobed, margins ± recurved or revolute when dry, upper surface gland-dotted and sparsely stellate-hairy to ± glabrescent, lower surface ± stellate-hairy.
Umbels terminal, nodding, 6–12-flowered; pedicels 4–8 mm long. Calyx hemispherical, lobes triangular, minutely stellate pubescent. Petals c. 10 mm long, keeled, yellowish green, gland-dotted, stellate-hairy on outside. Stamens about twice as long as petals.
Cocci erect, c. 6 mm long, wrinkled, prominently beaked.
Flowering: winter and early spring.
Distribution and occurrence: Grows mainly in heath on trachyte outcrops, chiefly in Warrumbungle N.P. and Kaputar N.P. NSW subdivisions: NT, NWS
Threatened species: ROTAP: 3RCa
Text by P.H. Weston & G.J. Harden
Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 2 (1991)
Gins Mountain from Honeycomb Lookout
Larger image of Gins Mountain, 400 Kb
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2009
Gins Mountain from further back along the ridge leading to Grattai Springs.
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2009