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Corbiac Tools
Corbiac is an open air Gravettian site in the Dordogne area, beneath the lawns of the château de Corbiac a few kilometres NE of Bergerac, near Lembras.

Corbiac lies beneath the lawn of the château de Corbiac, in the right centre of this photograph, a few kilometres NE of Bergerac, near Lembras. (Bordes, 1970)
Photo: Google Maps
Location of Corbiac.
Photo: O'Farrell (2000)
Corbiac, Layer I/Ia, excavations of F. Bordes.
Age: Gravettian, circa 22 000 BP.
■ 6: Grattoirs, scrapers on the end of a blade
■ 7: Burins
■ 8: Retouched tools
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Source: Originals , Le Musée National de Préhistoire, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac
Corbiac, Layer I/Ia, excavations of F. Bordes.
Age: Gravettian, circa 22 000 BP.
■ 7: Burins
■ 9: Perçoirs becs, drills/borers
■ 10: Microliths
■ 12: Racloirs/raclettes, side scrapers and small, often round scrapers
■ 14: Composite tools
( Note that the racloir at #12 has a hole through it, probably for a cord or thong. I have seen an Australian Aboriginal ground edged knife with a similar hole -- Don )
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Source: Originals , Le Musée National de Préhistoire, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac
Corbiac, Layer I/Ia, excavations of F. Bordes.
Age: Gravettian, circa 22 000 BP.
■ 9: Perçoirs becs, drills/borers
■ 10: Microliths
■ 11: Notched/denticulated tools
■ 12: Racloirs/raclettes, side scrapers and small, often round scrapers
■ 13: Armatures, tools. These are typical Gravettian points.
■ 14: Composite tools
■ 15: Special tools
■ 16: Bone industry
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Source: Originals , Le Musée National de Préhistoire, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac
- Bordes F., 1970: Observations typologiques et techniques sur le Périgordien supérieur de Corbiac (Dordogne), Bulletin dela Société préhistorique française, Comptes rendus des séances mensuelles, tome 67, n°4, 1970. pp. 105-113; doi : 10.3406/bspf.1970.4234
- O'Farrell M., 2000: Les pointes de La Gravette de Corbiac (Dordogne) et considérations sur la chasse au Paléolithique supérieur ancien XXV' Congrès Préhistorique de France, Nanterre 24-26 Novembre 2000 - Approches fonctionnelles en Préhistoire p. 121-138
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