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Moulin du Roc Tools
Moulin du Roc Tools - Despite the destruction of most of the filling, the Moulin du Roc site (St-Chamassy, Dordogne, France) has yielded valuable artefacts from the upper and late Magdalenian, as well as from the Sauveterrian and late Neolithic.

View of Moulin du Roc from the minor road along the Boule, at the point where the road leaves the valley of the Boule, and turns to the north.
Photo: Google Street View
Moulin du Roc tools, brown layer , excavations of A. Morala and A. Turq.
Age: circa 12 000 BP
■ 6: Grattoirs, scrapers on the end of a blade
■ 7: Burins
■ 8: Retouched tools
■ 9: Perçoirs becs, drills/borers
■ 10: Microliths
■ 11: Notched/denticulated tools
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Source: Originals, Le Musée National de Préhistoire, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac
Moulin du Roc tools, brown layer , excavations of A. Morala and A. Turq.
Age: circa 12 000 BP
■ 6: Grattoirs, scrapers on the end of a blade
■ 8: Retouched tools
■ 9: Perçoirs becs, drills/borers
■ 10: Microliths
■ 11: Notched/denticulated tools
■ 13: Armatures, tools
■ 14: Composite tools
■ 15: Special tools
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Source: Originals, Le Musée National de Préhistoire, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac
Moulin du Roc tools, brown layer , excavations of A. Morala and A. Turq.
Age: circa 12 000 BP
■ 13: Armatures, tools
■ 14: Composite tools
■ 15: Special tools
■ 16: Bone industry
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Source: Originals, Le Musée National de Préhistoire, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac
Moulin du Roc tools, brown layer , excavations of A. Morala and A. Turq.
Age: circa 12 000 BP
■ 13: Armatures, tools
■ 15: Special tools
■ 16: Bone industry
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Source: Originals, Le Musée National de Préhistoire, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac
Moulin du Roc tools from the Magdalenian, excavations of A. Morala and A. Turq.
Many of the tools drawn here are shown in the photographs above.
Artwork: A. Morala 1992
Source: Detrain et al. (1996)
Table of fauna from Moulin du Roc.
Photo: Detrain et al. (1996)
Moulin du Roc location.
Photo: Oppliger et al. (2011)
General view of the Moulin du Roc site (Saint-Chamassy, Dordogne, France) at the confluence of two valleys, including that of the Boule (on the right of the cliff). At the back of the car, we see the top of the shelter.
Photo and text: Oppliger (2008)
View of the Moulin du Roc site and the Boule Valley, altitude 104 metres, about 70 metres from the paved minor road which runs beside the Boule, at the point where the road turns up the valley which leads past the village of Labatue à Audrix, which has an altitude of 172 metres.
The site is two kilometres distant, in an approximately ENE direction, 074° T, from the Dordogne River at Bigaroque.
It has GPS coordinates of 44.861009°N 0.942799°E.
Photo: Google Street View
Location of the Moulin du Roc site
Click the image to enlarge.
Photo: Google Earth
Location of the Moulin du Roc site
Click the image to enlarge.
Photo: Google Earth
Moulin du Roc plan and section
Photo: Detrain et al. (1996)
- Detrain L., Guillon M., Kervazo B., Madelaine S., Morala A., Turq A., 1996: Le Moulin du Roc à Saint-Chamassy (Dordogne). Résultats préliminaires, Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, tome 93, n°1, 1996. pp. 43-48; doi : 10.3406/bspf.1996.10098
- Oppliger J., 2008: Les micromammiferes (Chiroptera, insectivora et Rodenta ) comme indicateurs de l'environnement au Tardiglaciaire et a l'Holocene: Le cas du Moulin du Roc (Saint-Chamassy, Dordogne, France), Université de Genève, Travail de Diplôme par Julien Oppliger Genève 2008
- Oppliger J., Jeannet M., Morala A., Studer J., Besse M., 2011: Les micromammifères (Chiroptera, Soricomorpha et Rodentia) du gisement tardiglaciaire et holocène du Moulin du Roc (St-Chamassy, Dordogne, France): implications paléo-environnementales, Revue de Paléobiologie, Genève (juin 2011) 30 (1) : 123-132
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