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The Mungo Swamp Cow
Zygomaturus Lower Jaw
Display: NPWS Visitor Centre, Lake Mungo
Source: Original
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2009
The Swamp cow Zygomaturus trilobus
Zygomaturus trilobus had a size and build similar to a pygmy hippopotamus, weighing around 300 to 500 kg.
The scientific name refers to the broad zygomatic arches (cheek bones) and the three prominent lobes of the premolar teeth.
Some of the features of its skeleton suggest it may have preferred swampy habitats.
It possibly lived in small herds around the wetter, coastal margins of Australia and occasionally may have extended its range along the watercourses into central Australia.
A ground dweller, it moved on all four limbs.
Display: Flinders Chase National Park, Kangaroo Island
Painter: Nicholas Pike, 2002
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2009
Digging at Black Swamp, Kangaroo Island, 1996. This dig exposed the fossils of the swamp cow, Zygomaturus trilobus.
Display: Flinders Chase National Park, Kangaroo Island
Photo of the display: Don Hitchcock 2009
The skull of the swamp cow, Zygomaturus trilobus found at Black Swamp.
Display: Flinders Chase National Park, Kangaroo Island
Photo of the display: Don Hitchcock 2009
The skull of the swamp cow, Zygomaturus trilobus found at Black Swamp.
Display: Flinders Chase National Park, Kangaroo Island
Source: Probably original.
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2009
A recreation of the swamp cow, Zygomaturus trilobus at the Naracoorte Caves display.
Display: Naracoorte Caves, South Australia
Photo: Don Hitchcock 2009