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Venus figures from Abri Fontalès

Photo: Google street view
Fontalès is a rock shelter and prehistoric site of the Magdalenian , which is in the commune of Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val, in Tarn-et-Garonne. It was excavated in 1865 by Victor Brun, then from 1936 to 1960 by Paul Darasse.
The site has yielded a stratigraphic sequence comprising several levels of occupation dating from the Upper Magdalenian. The unearthed material is extremely rich and includes 12 000 flint blades and bladelets , 5 000 tools, 200 reindeer antler harpoons, 20 bone harpoons, 530 spears, 250 eyed needles and 16 bâtons percés. Also found was a horse engraved on a pebble as well as some schematic female figures .
Text above adapted from Wikipedia.
Venus figure of the abstract stylised Gönnersdorf/Lalinde type.
Age 15 000 BP - 12 000 BP.
Photo: Didier Descouens, 15 August 2011
Permission: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license
Catalog: Muséum de Toulouse, MHNT.PRE.2011.0.17
Venus figure of the abstract stylised Gönnersdorf/Lalinde type.
Age 15 000 BP - 12 000 BP.
Photo: Didier Descouens, 15 August 2011
Permission: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license
Catalog: Muséum de Toulouse, MHNT.PRE.2011.0.16
l'Abri de Fontales (Cuzoul des Blondes) on the bank of the Aveyron river (photo GB).
Photo and text: Bosinski et al. (2013)
Map showing the position of l'Abri de Fontales.
Photo: Mapcarta
A) Engraved slab from the la grotte du Courbet, Magd. Sup. - B) Engraved slab from l'abri de Fontalès (T.-et-G.), Magd. VI 1 (after B. Pajot) - C) Engraved slab from l'abri de Fontalès (T.-and-G.), Magd. VI 1 (after P. Darasse) - D) Engraved slab from la Gare de Couze (Dordogne), base of Magd. VI (after F. Bordes, P. Fitte, P. Laurent) - E) Engraved slab from la grotte de
La Roche de Birol (Dordogne), probable Magd. VI probable (Chicago Museum) - F) Engraved slab from the La Roche de Birol cave
(Dordogne), Magd. VI probable (Museé des Eyzies) - G) Engraved slab from Hohlenstein.
Drawings and text: Alaux (1972)
Top, Engraved limestone slab from l'abri de Fontalès.
Below, Spoon from l'abri de Fontalès. Length 185 mm, average spoon width 35 mm.
Drawings and text: Darasse (1955)
An engraved spoon made of reindeer antler from l'abri de Fontalès. Upper Magdalenian VI, circa 13 500 BP - 12 000 BP.
Length 185 mm, average spoon width 35 mm.
( This superb photograph, like some of the others on this page, is by one of this world's treasures, Didier Descouens. His work is instantly recognisable for its size and quality - Don )
Catalog: Muséum de Toulouse, MHNT.PRE.2010.0.11.1
Photo: Didier Descouens 2013
Permission: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license
Horse engraved on a pebble from l'abri de Fontalès. Upper Magdalenian VI, circa 13 500 BP - 12 000 BP.
Length 185 mm, average spoon width 35 mm.
Excavation and collection: Paul Darasse 1950
Catalog: Muséum de Toulouse, MHNT.PRE.2011.0.555
Photo: Didier Descouens 2014
Permission: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license
Small reindeer antler harpoons in the distinctive Magdalenian shape, from l'abri de Fontalès. Middle Magdalenian (III and IV), circa 15 500 BP - 12 000 BP.
Excavation and collection: Paul Darasse 1950
Catalog: Muséum de Toulouse
Photo: Didier Descouens 2012
Permission: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license
Javelin head (point of a dart thrown by a propulseur) in reindeer antler from l'abri de Fontalès. Middle Magdalenian (III and IV), circa 15 500 BP - 12 000 BP.
Excavation and collection: Paul Darasse 1950
Catalog: Muséum de Toulouse, MHNT.PRE.2011.0.18
Photo: Didier Descouens 2011
Permission: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license
Javelin head (point of a dart thrown by a propulseur) in reindeer antler from l'abri de Fontalès. Middle Magdalenian (III and IV), circa 15 500 BP - 12 000 BP.
( Note that this dart point has a projection rather like the shape of a pointe à cran or shouldered point in flint. It would have served the purpose of helping to keep the dart in the wound of the prey, thus helping to bring it down faster - Don )
Excavation and collection: Paul Darasse 1950
Catalog: Muséum de Toulouse, MHNT.PRE.2011.0.19
Photo: Didier Descouens 2011
Permission: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license
Horse head from Abri de Fontalès, engraved on limestone.
Catalog: Engraved limestone, Muséum de Toulouse, MHNT-1970-DAR.12
Drawing: Anne-Catherine Welté
Photo: Gerhard Bosinski
Source and text: Bosinski et al. (2013)
- Alaux, J., 1972: Gravure féminine sur plaquette calcaire, du Magdalénien supérieur de la grotte du Courbet (commune de Penne, Tarn), in: Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, Comptes rendus des séances mensuelles, tome 69, n°4, 1972. pp. 109-112; doi :
- Darasse, P., 1955: Deux œuvres d'art magdaléniennes de l'abri de Fontalès, près Saint-Antonin (Tarn-et-Garonne), in: Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, Année 1955 52-11-12 pp. 715-718
- Bosinski, G., Welté, A., Ladier E., 2013: Une baguette décorée inédite de Fontalès (Tarn-et-Garonne), in: Contribution aux Mélanges A.Roussot, xxx, 2013. ⟨hal-00942403⟩ pp 83-102,
- Marshack, A., 1972: The Roots of Civilization: the Cognitive Beginning of Man’s First Art, Symbol and Notation New York, McGraw-Hill